The history of Arctic exploration has been written by men. This documentary unveils empowering stories of adventurous women, honors their scientific achievements and shows their struggle with packed ice and men.
Three extraordinary stories of women, risking life, health, and money to explore the Arctic deserts – but in our days forgotten. We also aim to highlight contemporary women’s involvement in Arctic research, such as those aboard an icebreaker in Greenland or preserving Inuit culture and language in Alaska and Greenland.
JOSEPHINE PEARY, wife of North Pole conqueror Robert Peary, promoted his work and contributed much to his success.
ADA BLACKJACK, the sole survivor of a terrible expedition to Wrangel Island during the early 1920s.
LOUISE AMER BOYD, a millionaire and the first woman to finance her expeditions to map East Greenland and a (part-time) secret agent.
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